26 April 2008

The Continuous

The computer revolution of begun to be regular and my father bought personal computer with Intel Pentium 2 MMX processor suite with windows 98 around mid-year 1997 replaced the previous computer but i've started to explore internet late year 1998 after finished my secondary school.Lots of information can be found from internet and it gave me the opportunity to get to know better.I realized the application of computer is not stick around with the documentation preparations , internet sufing, playing games or multimedia but more than that.

During my time in polytechnic, i start to learn about windows from my friend.Start from playing with ms-dos command,fdisk partitioning,formating,windows installation,prepared the driver suite and some important application.Practice makes perfect and i done it on my own even i've tried lot of try and error.

The end year of 2003 for my first time,my mother gave a set of personal computer with Intel Pentium 4 hope that i won't bother the existing previous one.I wondered what's new in windows XP where people keep saying that this version much more better than windows 98,98se,ME and 2000 professional.

My very first started-point is by the experiment with linux into my personal desktop.I thought it was one of the kind of new version of windows xp but it isn't.Lindows perform with easier installation and very nice desktop enviroment but at that time i was very shocked.After a few personal research,then i know it was the one of commersial-linux distribution where some application might need to be paid.From the computer related forums and websites, then i looked for the other distribution to be tested on my experimental-desktop with mandrake 8.2,mandrake 9,redhat 9,Fedora Core,SuSe 8.1,SuSe 9.1,Fedora Core 2 and the very first time i met ubuntu linux version 5.04.

The linux distro development runs smoothly ,the new distro and latest versiona come up with something out-of-box while i keep tracking instead i'm not one of IT Degree Student but Electronic Telecommunication Degree Student. Keep survival about linux on my own with getting the open-source matterials instead even some people says it was useless.

Keep moving on and on because of my innerself to achieve what i'd love to do. Realize that,i'm not the only one who using linux and there's someone else is out there with the same interest.There's some my members do have,we met to discussed,share,growth etc and it turns to be good friend.

Even thought i'd would like to get more experiences in Mac OS but i think it is better to learn linux further.As a one of newbie,there's lot of things to work on and keep on digging to the core.

Is it we called just begun?

however tribute to my lovely parent who wasn't given up in whatever i do along this journey

"welcome to the OSS world"

1 comment:

Gunblade IV said...

wow..no wonder you told me you are tired on writing up this blog.. :P
anyway keep up the good work. Go OSS and go MYOSS~!